
Total Ads Shown: 16078502 since 2/11/2011

Every web site needs advertising!. With the help from our affiliates
we drive a lot of traffic to our ad boxes, like the one on the left
side of this page. You do not need to bid for top spots nor
loose big amounts of money each time someone clicks on your ad.
For just a small fixed rate of $16.95
Your ad will be randomly placed in boxes all across the Internet.
Look how the ads get noticed! They draw your attention, 

unlike static ads that just sit there. But if you simply move your 
cursor over them, they stop moving so you can click them.
Submit up to 5 different ads to be rotated.
Give it a try
Stop at any time.

Become an affiliate and earn $8 for each person you refer that buys a $16.95 ad package.
You can earn a residual income each month as they continue to pay each month.
Our minimum payout is $8, so you do not need to wait a long time to accumilate money before we payout.
We even help you get started by giving you hundreds of places to advertise in the member's area.